Carnival Parade





Some of my school’s Carnival Parade shots. The full set is available “at flickr”:

Lessons learned:

* Using two cameras can be tricky if you don’t now how to position/handle them in relation to your body.
* Light rain doesn’t mess up your expensive cameras

During this shoot I used my two cameras. One was a 40D + Sigma 17-70mm + 430EX and the other a 350D + grip + Canon 70-200mm f2.8. And a camera bag (Domke F3X).
The whole setup weighs about 5-7Kgs.
The 40D was strapped around my neck and the 350D on my right shoulder. The bag was hung across my chest from the right shoulder to keep my right side clear for the 70-200mm.

This setup is pretty decent for continuous shooting (a couple of hours like this one) and so far I’ve only used two cameras a couple of times so I’m pretty much a noob in these matters…
The bad thing about this setup is that you can’t possibly pack the cameras into the bag without stopping and taking everything of, specially considering my “camera bag”: is too small to carry both cameras with lenses mounted (the 70-200mm alone is tricky business).

I keep considering a belt system for this kind of shooting. You can read a great review/guide on “Karl Grobl’s site”:

Now, about the rain. It rained for most of that afternoon. Not a heavy downpour though, but enough to piss you of. And test your cameras water resistance. Turns out they handle it rather well. They were both exposed (specially the 350D which was on my right side with it’s back facing the sky) and water did fell on them. I did keep myself under umbrellas every time I could and held my hands over the cameras when possible but they inevitably got wet.

And kept working just fine (flash included) without condensation problems or the like. The Sigma still has it’s black finish a little (more) stained but other than that is just fine.

And… that’s it for now

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